Descramble (This Function Is Void) By: Joseph Wecker Transcribed by: Keith Dawson, Joshua McGee, one minor correction by Gordon Fecyk This song, 6 MB in MP3 format, may be found at [1] or [2]. The author and singer, Joe Wecker, sings the algorithm of the function dss_descramble, which is arguably the heart of the DeCSS package for unencrypting the contents of a DVD movie. His guide for rendering the C code into plain English was this version [3] by CMU professor Dave Touretzky, who testified as a witness in the concluded first phase of the DeCSS trial [4]. The C code source for this function [5] is 26 lines, 532 characters. The 6-1/2-minute song runs to 162 lines and nearly 3600 characters. The sung function represents about 2% of the source code of DeCSS as distributed. At this rate, singing the whole package would occupy nearly half a CD-ROM and take 5 hours to perform. (Maybe less because you wouldn't need to sing the code comments.) -- Keith Dawson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] ______________________________ this function is void it takes two args the first is SEC, a pointer to a vector of 2048 unsigned bytes: that are the encrypted disk sector and will be the decrypted the second is KEY a vector of 6 unsigned bytes: the decrypted title key local variables t1 through t6 are unsigned ints local variable END is a pointer to SEC plus 2048 dmca steps on me i don't like the dmca it makes this song illegal ooh woe dmca it steps on me it makes this song illegal makes this song illegal yeah retrieve byte zero of KEY XOR it with byte 84 of SEC and treat the result as an integer OR it with the hexidecimal constant 0x100 and store the result in t1 step 2: retrieve byte 1 of KEY XOR it with byte 85 of SEC and store the result in t2 step 3: take bytes 2 through 5 of KEY and XOR them with bytes 86 through 89 of SEC store the result in t3 step 4: take the low-order three bits of t3 which can be computed by the AND of t3 with the constant 7 and store the result in t4 i hate the dmca it makes this code i wrote aw, it makes it dumb it makes it illegal i hate the dmca it makes this stuff i wrote makes this song illegal makes this song illegal it makes this song illegal 5: multiply t3 by 2, add 8, subtract t4 and store the result back in t3 step 5-1/2: advance SEC by 128 bytes step 6: store 0 in t5 7: begin a WHILE loop and 8: continue iterating while SEC does not equal END use t2 as an index into table CSStab2 and retrive a byte which we'll call b1 and t1 [sic: no step 9] use t1 as an index into table CSStab3 and retrieve another byte which we'll call b2 compute b1 XOR b2 and store the result in t4 step 10 is: shift t1 right by one bit and store the result in t2 step 11: take the low-order bit of t1 which can be obtained by taking the AND of t1 and the constant 1 shift it [by] left by 8 bits and XOR it with t4 and store the results back in t1 ohh, the dmca hey, hey, is so dumb ahh, the dmca is so dumb oh, it's so dumb step 12: use t4 as an index into table CSStab5 and retrive a byte store the result in t4 -- accellerando -- [sic: no step 13] shift the constant of t3 right by 3 bits XOR it with t3 shift the result by right by one bit XOR it with t3 shift the result right by eight bits XOR it with t3 shift the result right by five bits and extract the low-order byte by ANDing it with the hexadecimal constant 0xff store the result in t6 step 14: shift the contents of t3 left by 8 bits OR it with t6 and store the result in t3 step 15: use t6 as an index into table CSStab4 and retrive a byte store the result in t6 step 16: add together t6, t5, and t4 and store the result back into t5 step 17: use the byte pointed to by SEC as an index into table CSStab1 take the retrieved byte and XOR it with the low-order byte of t5 which can be extracted by ANDing t5 with the hexadecimal constant 0xff store the result back into the byte pointed to by SEC and advance the pointer SEC by one byte step 18: shift t5 right by 8 bits and and store the result back into t5 as step 19: return to step 8 to continue looping and 20: this is where we end up when the loop is complete 21: return from the procedure ahh, that's the end of descramble, folks, that's the end that's the end of descramble, folks, the end that's the end of descramble, folks, the end ahh, i hate the dmca i hate the dmca i hate the dmca the dmca infringes on me it steps on me steps on me steps on me ahh, i'm not free it steps on me i'm not free ahh, it steps on me i'm not free